Fructose facilitates lung metastasis and increases breast cancer risk
Dietary sugar, especially fructose, significantly increases the risk of breast cancer tumors and metastasis in the lungs, warns an important study. Researchers at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center have found fructose commonly found in table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup and in many food items to increase breast tumor growth and helps spread it.
In the current study, the researchers have examined the impact of dietary sugar on mammary gland tumor development in many mouse models along with mechanisms involved.
Epigenetic drugs can alter an individual’s social behavior: study
Epigenetic drugs can effectively manipulate and alter a social creature’s behavior, a study involving Florida carpenter ants and published in a recent edition of journal Science suggested.
A team of researchers at University of Pennsylvania showed that they successfully manipulated carpenter ants’ behavior using epigenetic drugs. Carpenter ants live in colonies, where large & strong ants called majors work as guards, while small & inquisitive ants called minors work as food gatherers.
Prosecutors seek to have charges reinstated against woman having Auto-brewery syndrome: Reports
Despite being found that blood alcohol content at .33%, over four times than the state’s legal limit, a town judge lately has dismissed drinking and driving charges against this woman. You might be wondering as to why, the reason is the upstate New York woman suffers from a rare intestinal disorder called “Auto-Brewery Syndrome”, which sometimes turns ordinary food and beverages into alcohol in a person’s body.
Increased Sugar and Fructose Consumption Could Raise Cancer Risk: Study
According to a new study in mice, elevated sugar levels typical of Western diets raise the risk for breast cancer tumors and metastasis to the lungs. University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center researchers have discovered that fructose boosts the growth of breast tumor, and helps it spread.
Fructose is present in table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup, and is used in high percentage in lot of food items.
Oregon allows women to get birth control pills over-the-counter
Women in Oregon no longer need to get an appointment at a clinic or with a doctor, being physically examined and take the prescription to be filled at a pharmacy for obtaining prescription birth control, thanks to a new law.
Starting 1st of January 2016, the state of Oregon allows women (who are at least 18) to access hormonal birth control drugs without needing a doctor’s prescription. Authorities say making over-the-counter birth control available will make women’s life a little easier.
New Autocorrelation Function Timescale Technique can Help Measure Gravitational Pull on Distant Stars
As a new step towards finding the fact whether the planets revolving around in the universe are capable of supporting life or not, scientists have been able to found a new way to measure gravitational pull of distant stars. The new technique, dubbed as the autocorrelation function timescale technique, would have implications in findings habitable planets beyond our solar system. Measuring surface gravity means to determine how much weight a person carries on a star and it varies from star to star.
Drugs can permanently alter behavior: study
A fresh study by University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) developmental biologists has suggested that drugs can mess with living things’ natural brain systems and permanently alter their behavior.
A team of developmental biologists led by Daniel Simola attempted to isolate a substance they could feed to carpenter ants that might transform their natural behavior.
Great! Oregonians can now get Birth Control Pills Prescribed by Pharmacists
Happy New Year has come up with a small gift for ladies of California and Oregon, making their life little easier. As per a new law issued on January 1, pharmacists are now allowed to prescribe birth control pills in Oregon. Oregon is the first US State to put such law into effect with California being the following up in the suit. Starting January 1 and March, Oregonians and Californians will enjoy the ability to receive birth control pills over the counter following filling out a questionnaire and briefly consulting the pharmacist.