Course offerings at 7 campuses of University of Maine System to be streamlined

In a bid to broaden students' access to courses and cut costs, University of Maine Farmington President Kathryn Foster and her colleagues will make an effort to streamline various course offerings at the seven campuses in the university system.
Foster said that the main aim of her effort to streamline courses was to enable individual campuses to develop specializations that could be offered to students at other campuses of the University system.
Additional $25.8M help wouldn’t be able to save all nursing homes
Governor Paul LePage recently declared an additional monetary assistance of $25.8 million for the state medical facilities that accept Medicaid patients, but the assistance comes too late to help some nursing homes that are already on the verge of collapse.
While both the Democratic-led Legislature and Republican Governor Paul LePage are trying to take credit for the recently announced cash infusion, Pittsfield Rehab & Nursing's Mary Ford said that it could not revive her nursing home.
Ocean Classroom Foundation to close at end of this summer

The Ocean Classroom Foundation has announced its decision to stop providing educational programs for students aboard yachts at the end of this summer.
The Maine-based nonprofit, which has been running educational programs on ships for nearly two decades, two of its three ships were in serious need of repair, while the third one required more expensive repairs than previously estimated. But, lack of revenue would not enable the foundation to get the ships repaired and run the programs beyond summer.
Maine and its people come under reality TV’s spotlight
Maine, the far northeastern state of the U. S., has become a hot spot for reality TV as at least three reality shows are being filmed simultaneously in the state.
It is but natural for producers of reality TV shows to be attracted to Maine as the state offers them a definitive regional culture and vast swaths of unharmed wilderness to explore, as well as hard-working entrepreneurs, artists and rugged outdoorsmen & women.
Maine’s Acadia National Park crowned ‘America’s Favorite Place’

Maine's Acadia National Park outshined the likes of Chicago's Lakefront and Montana's Glacier National Park to grab the title of 'America's Favorite Place'.
The contest was organized by "Good Morning America" show, which asked viewers to send in the names of their favorite place in America this month. Soon, nominations started pouring in, and Maine's Acadia National Park along with four other places made it to the top five.
Viewers were again asked to vote on the five to choose their favorite place. In the voting, Acadia National Park emerged as the winner.
Maine wardens find body of missing swimmer in Kennebec River

Maine Wardens on Friday found the body of the young swimmer who was reported missing on Thursday night.
The Maine Warden Service said its crews found the body of 21-year-old Jordan Cummings of Anson in the Kennebec River. Cummings had gone for swimming in the river with some of his friends on Thursday night.
Firefighters from Anson and Madison, along with the Maine wardens, as well as Somerset County sheriff's deputies were on scene almost immediately.
Yarmouth-to-Maine ferry service has already spent $21M, seven-year loan: Samson

The $21 million loan committed by the Nova Scotia for the new Yarmouth-to-Maine ferry service over seven years has already been entirely spent by its American operator, Economic Development Minister Michel Samson confirmed on Thursday.
Nova Star Cruises spent the entire, seven-year, loan in just a couple of months into its first season. The loss making ferry service's future is once again in the doldrums.
Maine to receive $1.8 million in health insurance rebates

U. S. health insurance companies will give out nearly $330 million in rebates to employers and individuals this summer to comply with President Barack Obama's health care law, commonly known as Obamacare.
Under Obamacare, health insurers have to refund money to their customers in case they spend less than 80-85 per cent of the premiums that they collect from customers to provide them with medical insurance coverage.
The refund, which will be in the form of rebates, will go to as many as 6.8 million people across the country, with average rebate of around $80 per family.