Federal Officials Warn not to Approach closer than 500 Yards of Right Whales
A new program has been started to find out the best way to tag the endangered whales for satellite tracking. Under this program, scientists tagged three right whales this past winter.
‘Sea Lions LIVE’ show cancelled

'Sea Lions LIVE' show has been cancelled at Sea Lion Stadium in SeaWorld. The LA Times reported that the show is going to be suspended for minimum two weeks.
NOAA asking for Public Comments on Makah Tribe's Request to resume Whale Hunting
Washington’s Makah Indian tribe seeks to resume its traditional practice of hunting gray whales of eastern North Pacific.
Islamorada Dive Center Owner Eric Billips Killed Thousands of Invasive, Venomous Predators

Six years ago, Eric Billips, the owner of the Islamorada Dive Center in the Florida Keys, speared his initial lionfish.
Coastal Cities could face 30 Days of Flooding Each Year by 2050

According to a new study, floods would occur in coastal cities in 2050 for as many as 30 days annually.