AT&T unveils its U-Verse network throughout parts of Newnan

On Monday, US wireless carrier AT&T unveiled its U-Verse network with GigaPower throughout parts of Newnan along with Atlanta, Decatur, and Sandy Springs.
AT&T GigaPower users have to pay extra $29/month for ‘privacy’ privilege

In a recent announcement, AT&T has revealed that it is bringing its GigaPower 1-gigabit-per-second (1Gbps) Internet service to Kansas City, at $70 per month.
Top CEOs are not positive about Economy

A new survey has found that the United States' top chief executive officers (CEO) are not encouraged by the current economic signs.
359,000 people have submitted claims in AT&T ‘cramming’ case: FTC

With AT&T Mobility having recently worked out a record $105 million 'cramming' settlement with the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the agency told TIME Magazine on Wednesday that hundreds of thousands of Americans are submitting claims for refunds.
Under the terms of the settlement, a total amount of $105 million will be paid by AT&T to settle the FTC's mobile 'cramming' accusation. The FTC had accused of 'cramming' - a practice under which AT&T placed charges for third-party services on consumers' mobile telephone bills even though consumers had not ordered those services.