Children with Psychiatric Problems likely to face more Problems as adults: Study

A research has unveiled about the hardships of a child having mental health issues. Researchers said transition into adulthood for these children is not all smooth. In fact, children having symptoms that are so mild that they would not be diagnosed are more likely struggle in adulthood.
In adulthood, these children tend to have higher health, legal, financial and social problems. The research published in JAMA Psychiatry has unveiled that children and teenagers having the mental health issues are six times more at risk of having these problems in their adulthood.
The researchers said that mental health problems that take place during childhood make it more likely that people will struggle as an adult. The difficulties will increase the chances that they will not be able to graduate from high school.
For the study, the researchers have utilized a data from population study in which children were followed of age 9, 11 or 13 in 11 mostly rural counties in North Carolina from 1993 to 201. Annual interviews were taken of them until they turned 16 and then at 19, 21 and 25.
Study's lead researcher William Copeland from Duke University School of Medicine, has said, "Most common chronic conditions happen in middle adulthood, with the exception of mental illness".
Copeland said that the problem is severe, as majority of people having mental health issue are not able to get help, as they do not meet the threshold. It is important to make treatment and prevention programs accessible in childhood.
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