UCSF’s Pride Study to Look into Specific Health Issues Faced by LGBTQ Community

The University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) launched the Pride study iPhone app to look into the specific health issues faced by the LGBTQ community. It has been said that the study's framework is developed as a ResearchKit app under Apple Inc.'s umbrella.
The open-source ResearchKit has already proved successful in tapping valuable information on other risk groups with view to diagnoses such as Parkinson's, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular issues or asthma.
The open-source research framework was started during last year's 'spring Forward' Apple-powered event. It works on cohorting data from the in-built sensor of Apple devices or from user surveys.
The new Pride study app aims at giving researchers better insight into the well-being and health of the LGBTQ community.
People who are self-declared members of the LGBTQ community across the U. S. are largely understudied in their specific group. Therefore, the researchers feel the need to understand why women pertaining to LGBTQ are usually more prone to obesity than others.
It has been stated that the ResearchKit Pride Study will gather data on health issues and risk factors such as smoking, obesity, cancer, HIV/AIDS incidence, as well as mental health issues or depression.
The UCSF research team planned the Pride Study to be launched on June 27th, the day the Pride parade takes place in San Francisco.
The Apple powered Pride Study app requires users who download voluntarily to complete a survey that specifically asks for demographic data.
Each week, the voluntary participants pertaining to the LGBTQ community will be asked to complete a series of questionnaires.
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