Man Wakes Up From Coma after Three Months

Miracles do happen and the latest proof is the story of Danielle Josey Davis who was recently married to Matt Davis.
Danielle Josey told it was only seven months to her wedding when her husband Matt met with a horrible motorcycle crash. The crash was so critical that it left Matt on life support, in a coma.
Doctors who treated Matt told her that there are 90% chances that he would never wake up, and she should let him pass, according to WFIN Channel 1330.
Danielle refused to give up and decided to keep Matt on life support. She brought him home, where she and her mother took good care of Matt.
It was one fine day when the miracle happened. Three months after the horrific motorcycle crash, Matt woke up.
Matt woke up and said that he is trying, reported ABC News.
Although he doesn't remember his wife before the crash of 2010 because of his traumatic brain injury, he has his life back.
Matt was only 23 and Danielle was 24 years old when the accident happened, they had dated for only two months before their wedding, said Danielle.
He further told that Matt's mother was too old to take care of him and his father had passed away two years before the accident.
Danielle wanted Matt to have the best view while in his hospital bed at home, according to ABC News.
"If we've got to bring him home, let's make sure he has the best view in the world. If he's going to be a body in a bed, let's give him something to look at", she said.
Danielle said she had full faith that there was still life within Matt and she just followed her and her mother with his eyes.
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