New Study Sheds Light on Most Effective Diet Plans

According to researchers, a new study provided details about the most effective diet plans. The researchers said that a review of the 11 most famous commercial diet programs compared adherence, weight loss, and harm among obese patients.
It has been found that Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig are effective in helping people lose weight and keep it off in long term. Many studies have been conducted on impact of weight loss programs. But, most of the studies have not evaluated their long term impact.
“On average, Weight Watchers participants lost at least 8-lbs at the 12 month mark. Participants on Jenny Craig, on average, lost at least 15-lbs at the 12 month mark”, said Dr. Kimberly Gudzune, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
According to the researchers, numerous programs showed promise for short-term results and they were limited and have lack of evidence of long-term weight loss. Dr. Gudzune said there is a possibility that for some people a commercial program might be the correct way to lose extra pounds.
The US Preventative Services Task Force suggests obesity screening and counseling. There is a possibility that some health plans might cover the cost of commercial weight-loss programs for overweight patients. According to researchers, it is not that other diet plans aren’t necessarily effective but required studies have been done in order to prove that they work.