Boys and Girls are conceived in Equal Numbers: Study

A new study has revealed that when sperm meets egg, the two genders are conceived in equal numbers, according to the data analyzed by the research team. Despite this fact, more male babies than female babies are born every year worldwide. The new study has showed that more boys are born because more females than males die before birth, which results in excess male births.
The study has debunked the belief found in many textbooks and scientific article that conception is dominated by males, said Steven Orzack, a study author.
The details of the study have been published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. “We’re gaining fundamental new insights in the biology of humans in the first nine months of life”, said Orzack, president of the nonprofit Fresh Pond Research Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Around 105 boys are born for every 100 girls world over. The phenomenon is natural and not because of selective abortion of girls in some areas. In order to estimate the sex ratio at conception, the researchers had put into use data on nearly 140,000 embryos that had been routinely screened at fertility clinics in the United States and elsewhere for genetic problems.
After doing the examination, the researchers reached at the conclusion that the sex ratio at conception was even, as the two sexes were conceived in equal numbers.