Uber purchases software mapping company deCarta

According to media reports, Uber has purchased mapping startup company deCarta as the ridesharing company wants to 'fine tune' it's mapping technology.
According to an Uber spokesperson, this acquisition will be helpful for Uber to improve its existing mapping technology capabilities. This acquisition will also help the company to fine tune their products and services that depend on maps.
"A lot of the functionality that makes the Uber app so reliable, affordable, and seamless is based on mapping technologies", said the spokesperson.
About 40 employees of California-based software mapping company will become part of Uber in order to work on map developments. Presently, Uber depends on Google Maps to power its navigation systems and apps for its drivers and passengers.
Uber is planning to replace all of its operations and services powered by Google with deCarta navigation systems. deCarta was founded back in 1996 and is based out of San Jose, California. Investors of deCarta are Norwest Venture Partners, Cardinal Venture Capital and Mobius Venture Capital. The focus of this acquisition is on the talent in the company and the technology. It has been informed that strategy of Uber is to reduce its dependence on Google.