Google introducing new Safe Browsing features

In a recent update posted on Google's Online Security Blog, Google software engineer Lucas Ballard has revealed that the company is introducing new Safe Browsing features which will warn users before they visit websites that prompt superfluous software downloads.
According to the update, the introduction of new Safe Browsing features will essentially enable the Chrome web browser, Google Search and Google Ads to provide greater protection to users against malicious sites and unwanted software.
As a result of the update, it will be possible for Google Search to identify websites which have automatic software downloads. Upon identification of these websites, users will be presented a warning before they visit the website. The warning will basically remind users to ensure that the website they are visiting is registered with Google Webmaster Tools.
Ballard has pointed out that, thanks to the new Safe Browsing features, the Google Search service now "incorporates signals that identify such deceptive sites" which can unfold a potential threat to users when they click on a malicious download link.
As per the details shared by Ballard, the Chrome browser will now show a new red warning when users click on a link which has been listed in the Safe Browsing blacklist. The warning will read thus: "Attackers on (website) might attempt to trick you into installing programs that harm your browsing experience."
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