Source behind Disneyland Measles Outbreak not easy to be identified

Health experts suggest that the source of measles outbreak that took place in Disneyland California and sickened 119 people may never be found.
As per health authorities, many people who became sick may be linked to the outbreak that is believed to have started from an infected international traveler who visited Disneyland in late December.
California Department of Public Health researchers have conducted an investigation in which they have genotyped specimens from 30 of the state's measles patients. The result found that all were having the same strain that led to an outbreak in the Philippines.
The same genotype has been found in at least 14 countries and six other US states in the last six months. "It is unlikely that the source of this outbreak will be identified, and although identifying the source would be of interest, our immediate goal is to stop the outbreak and it is not necessary to know the source to do this", affirmed Dr. Gil Chavez, deputy director of the California Department of Health.
Chavez was of the view that if the measles genotype will be identified then it could help the nation to find out where the initial measles exposure took place. But this factor could not stop officials from spreading the highly contagious virus.
Every year, millions of visitors come to Disneyland and many of them come from overseas. Experts affirmed that the outbreak has reignited the debate over anti-vaccination movement. According to the California health department, 39 of the 119 people who contracted the measles in the state were linked to Disneyland incident and another 35 had contacts with people in a household or community setting.
In 2000, measles was announced eradicated from America. But in 2014, the nation witnessed its highest number of cases in two decades.