UCSF‘s New Website to educate people about severe health risks caused by sugar

A detailed study done by researchers of University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), has revealed that additional intake of sugar gives rise to some really significant diseases such as liver disease, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.
The scientists of UCSF in collaboration with scientists at UC Davis and Emory University School of Medicine have created a new initiative in the form of a website called SugarScience.org. The main idea behind the site is to educate people regarding the severe heath risks caused by sugar.
This initiative includes 11 researchers who have reflected a review of more than 8,000 scientific papers that have been published to date on the health effects of added sugar. This national initiative is also launching in partnership with outreach programs in health departments across the country, including the National Association of City and County Health Organizations and cities nationwide.
The research done by USCF experts not only indicates strong evidence of links between the overconsumption of added sugar and chronic diseases, but also reveals evidence linking sugar to Alzheimer's disease and cancer.
According to Laura Schmidt, PhD, a UCSF professor in the Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy and the lead investigator on the project, an average American consumes nearly three times the recommended amount of added sugar every day, which is taking a tremendous toll on the nation's health.
Laura said, "We haven't all lost our will power all of a sudden in 30 years. The only thing that we can point to that would be explaining this dramatic increase in obesity and chronic disease is a change in the proportion of our diets in added sugar".
The specialists are determined to collect information related to all sweetened foods and will publish it on the website. This data will help people reduce the amount of sugar from their daily lives and will also shed a light on the benefit of reducing the intake of sugar on the human health.
Furthermore, Mr. Schmidt explained that people can have a lot of confusion because of conflicting information and misperception about sugar and health matters, but their priority is to create a balance in the daily diet of people.
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