Nearly 1,000 new jobs coming to San Antonio

San Antonio could get as many as a 1,000 new jobs under the Department of Defense's ongoing cybersecurity mission over a period of next three years, National Security Agency (NSA) Director Adm. Michael Rogers said.
Rogers, who is also the commander of the U. S. Cyber Command, said San Antonio was very important to the future of the Department of Defense's cyber security mission, and that the city could see one thousand additional personnel working on the mission in the coming three years.
Announcing the new jobs, Rogers said, "San Antonio is very important to the future of cyber within the Department of Defense. You are going to see a larger footprint coming to San Antonio."
Rogers also announced that staying ahead of the growing cyber attacks would require involvement of participation of the commercial sector.
The U. S. Department of Defense has gradually grown its cybersecurity efforts in San Antonio, with key components of the department's information networks being safeguarded by the 24th Air Force at Port San Antonio.
Meanwhile, Schneider Consulting LLC President Phil Schneider said at the chamber's Cybersecurity Summit held at the Hilton Palacios del Rio downtown that San Antonio is a sweet spot for cybersecurity. The city is not far behind Washington D. C. and it is ways ahead of everyone else.